2022 年 4 月 23 日星期六,黄素梅女士在 11号Ivy Bush Avenue的办公室正式开张。联邦国会议员叶嘉丽、董晗鹏、联邦经济发展局南安大略分部部长Helena Jaczek 以及前省议员Cristina Martins 到场祝贺。

黄素梅曾在2011 年至 2018 年担任安省士嘉堡-爱静阁区省议员。期间,她还担任过安省议会财政和经济事务常务委员会主席及副议长。(立法和法規內閣委員會主席,以及財政和經濟事務常務委員會的副主席)。在任期间,黄素梅还提出并支持了多项私人法案,其中较有影响力的是特里·福克斯日和南京大屠杀纪念日。

在2011年成为省议员之前,黄素梅还担任过多伦多教育委员。作为教育委员,黄素梅积极倡议在安省的公立学校设立促进健康与健身委员会,并被选为首任主席。黄素梅还提议在多伦多教育局制定针对 1 型糖尿病方案,这是全加拿大第一个教育局制定此类政策以保护和支持患有 1 型糖尿病的学生以及教职员工。

2018 年大选过后,黄素梅重返护理行业。作为一线医务工作者以及非牟利长期护理院的前行政主任,黄素梅亲身体会到安省政府的抗疫政策的失误以及其严重后果。因此,黄素梅希望能在这次的省选后,能重回省议会,为安省人民做出更大的贡献。在剪彩仪式后,黄素梅对来宾做出了衷心的感谢:“感谢大家今天能来参加我的办公室启动仪式。我看到了许多熟悉的面孔,多年的老朋友和他们的家人。看到这么多的笑脸,听到热情洋溢的问候,让我十分欣慰。感谢大家的友情与支持,我们同心同德、齐心协力必将使我们的社区更加强大。”电话:416-321-9664网站:soowong.ca

On Saturday, April 23, 2022, Ms. Soo Wong joined the Scarborough-Agincourt Provincial Liberal Association (SAPLA) for the opening of its riding association office at 11 Ivy Bush Ave. This event was well-attended by many community members, as well as guests including Jean Yip, MP of Scarborough-Agincourt, the Honorable Helena Jaczek, Han Dong, MP for Don Valley North, and Cristina Martins, former MPP for Davenport.

Ms. Wong was the MPP for Scarborough-Agincourt from 2011 to 2018. At Queen’s Park, Ms. Wong was an active member of the parliament. Her roles ranged from the chair of the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs to the Deputy Speaker. Ms. Wong was also a fierce advocate for culture and communities, having championed several private member’s bills such as Terry Fox Day and Nanjing Massacre Commemorative Day.

Prior to her work at Queen’s Park, Ms. Wong was a Toronto District School Board trustee. As a trustee, Ms. Wong advocated fiercely to establish a Health Promotion and Fitness Committee in a public school in Ontario. She was subsequently voted as its inaugural Chair. Ms. Wong also championed the creation of the Type 1 Diabetes Protocol in TDSB, the first school board to have this type of policy to protect and support students and staff with Type 1 Diabetes.

After the 2018 election, Soo Wong went back to her nursing roots just as the pandemic hit. As a front-line health care professional and former executive director of a not-for-profit long-term care home, Ms. Wong had first-hand experience with many of the provincial government’s missteps during the COVID-19 pandemic and its tragic consequences. 

“Thank you for coming out on this windy day to see this office open. I see many familiar faces in the crowd, community leaders, long-time friends, and their family members. Thank you for coming out today. I am honoured to be a part of this event and to see so many smiles and warm greetings. Your kindness, unity, and support are what makes this community so great.”

Members of the SALPA and Ms. Wong thanked everyone for attending the official opening and the event concluded with a ribbon-cutting ceremony.

Authorized by the President of Scarborough-Agincourt PLA

Phone: 416-321-9664

Website: soowong.ca